SC 2005
- Full title: Software Composition @ ETAPS 2005
- Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
- Date:
April 9, 2005 - Deadline:
December 17, 2004
Call for Papers
Software Composition 2005
9 April 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland
The goal of SC 2005 is to advance the research in component-based software development. Component-based software development is the next step after opject-oriented programming that promises to overcome the problems, such as reusability and complexity, that have not yet been solved adequately with object-oriented programming. Component-based software development addresses the complexity problem by producing software from smaller, typically black-box, components. These advantages have also been identified by the industry and hence a number of commercial component models have been developed. Although these component models are a first step towards the right direction, they only scratch the surface of software composition.
There are many more challenges faced that cannot be solved by the development of a component model alone. Such challenges are the composition of components, their development, and verification. Another challenge is the scalability of any component based software development approach to computing devices that provide a wide range of different computing capabilities such as cell phones, PDAs, desktops, or server farms.
SC 2005 is the fourth workshop on software composition. The goal of this workshop series is to bring together the research and industrial communities in order to develop a better understanding of how software components may be used to build and maintain large software systems. Therefore papers relating theory and practice are particularly welcome.
Topics of Interest
The program committee seeks papers describing work in progress or position papers related to all aspects of component-based software engineering. Submitted papers are invited but are not limited to addressing the following issues:
- Semantic analysis
- Verification and validation techniques
- Program analysis
- Composition and adaptation techniques
- Composition languages
- Software composition in pervasive computing environments
- Composition of active documents
- Semantics-based composition
- Dynamic composition and reconfiguration
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Web service design and development
Electronic paper submission | 28 November 2004 |
Acceptance notification | 17 January 2005 |
Camera ready version | 7 February 2005 |
Workshop | 9 April 2005 |
How to Submit
We solicit papers with a maximum of 15 pages, containing new material, work in progress, or position papers. Submitted papers must adhere to the ENTCS proceedings style, and be submitted electronically in standard Postscript Level 2 or PDF format through the workshop website at The acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of the authors will register for the workshop and thus present the paper.
Following the tradition of the SC workshop series, we intend to publish the proceedings in a volume of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS). The ENTCS series is reviewed by both the Mathematical Reviews of the AMS and the ACM's Computing Reviews. You can see the last year's proceedings at
Programme Co-Chairs:
- Uwe Aßmann (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden)
- Thomas Gschwind (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
Publicity Chair:
- Adrian Pop (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden)
Programme Committee:
- Antonia Bertolino (Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell'Informazione “A. Faedo”, Italy)
- Judith Bishop (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- Pierre Cointe (École des Mines de Nantes, France)
- Flavio De Paoli (Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy)
- Susan Eisenbach (Imperial College London, UK)
- Volker Gruhn (Universität Leipzig, Germany)
- Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany)
- Paola Inverardi (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy)
- Mehdi Jazayeri (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
- Welf Löwe (Växjö Universitet, Sweden)
- Nenad Medvidovic (University of Southern California, USA)
- Oscar Nierstrasz (Universität Bern, Switzerland)
- Claus Pahl (Dublin City University, Ireland)
- Elke Pulvermüller (Universität Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Mario Südholt (École des Mines de Nantes, France)
- André van der Hoek (University of California Irvine, USA)
- Wim Vanderperren (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)