Welcome to the SSEL website

The System and Software Engineering lab (SSEL) is one of the research labs at the Department of Computer Science (Faculty of Sciences) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

SSEL is headed by Prof. Dr. Viviane Jonckers. Our research is situated in software engineering and more specifically in component-oriented, aspect-oriented and model-driven software development.

Please visit our research page and research artifacts page to learn more on current and past projects and our members page to find specific contact information.

SSEL forms a binary star with the PROG lab which shares many of our research and teaching values.

In the Spotlight

ssel_banner.jpg The Programming Technology Lab (PROG) and the System and Software Engineering Lab (SSEL) have united. We shall henceforth be known as the Software Languages Lab (SOFT). Our new website is http://soft.vub.ac.be
ssel_banner.jpg On Monday, 15 June 2009, the SSEL lab will move to building F, 10th floor, in anticipation of the merger with sister lab PROG. Friday the 12th is the final day for packing, and hence will be a hectic day as well.
ICMT 2009 SSEL is publicity chair for ICMT 2009, the International Conference on Model Transformation, which will be held in Zürich, Switzerland (download flyer). Our keynote speaker is Benjamin Pierce (creator of Unison and author of Types and Programming Languages) from the University of Pennsylvania.
EDIT: The paper submission deadline has been extended to February 8th!
EDIT: Early registration deadline is 7 June 2009!
Dirk Deridder co-organizes the International Workshop on
Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management (MCCM'08) held in conjunction with the MoDELS'08 conference, Toulouse, France.
Ragnhild Van Der Straeten co-organizes the International Workshop on
Challenges in Model Driven Software Engineering (ChaMDE'08) held in conjunction with the MoDELS'08 conference, Toulouse, France.

General Contact Information

Pleinlaan 2
B- 1050 Brussels, Belgium

  • Room 4K208, 4K209, 4K210 & 4K214
  • Tel +32 2 629.29.67 (V. Jonckers)
  • Fax +32 2 629.28.70

How to reach us?

The SSEL Lab is located on the VUB campus Etterbeek in Brussels, Belgium. The main VUB site offers directions for getting to the Etterbeek campus. A detailed map of the VUB's Etterbeek campus is available as well.

The SSEL Lab is located on the fourth floor of the K building. When entering the fourth floor from the elevator, just walk straight ahead. Viviane's office is at the end of the hallway to the right. The other SSEL members' offices are on the left.

start.txt · Last modified: 05/03/2009 12:47 by dwagelaa

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