MoDELS 2005

Call for Papers

MoDELS 2005

8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
(formerly the UML series of conferences)

October 2 - 7, 2005
Half Moon Resort, Montego Bay, JAMAICA

Model-driven system development has long been used in the development of complex hardware systems. It is becoming more prevalent in complex software or combined hardware and software systems development as methodologies and tools become available that can manipulate software models from very abstract concepts through refinement and testing.

MoDELS 2005 is the first conference devoted to the topic of model-driven engineering, covering both languages and systems used to create complex systems. This conference is both an expansion and a re-direction of previous Unified Modeling Language (UML) conferences, and replaces that series of conferences for 2005 and beyond. While the UML has played a large role in software modeling in both academia and industry, other languages and systems are also used for model-driven systems development. The MoDELS series of conferences is the premier venue for the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences relating to model-driven approaches in the development of software-based systems.

MoDELS 2005 will include both scientific and industrial/experience conference papers, workshops, tutorials, a doctoral symposium, posters and a tool exhibition. (See the website for the industrial/experience track call-for-papers, tutorial call-for-papers, and workshop call-for-papers.) We invite scientific research papers describing innovative research on model-driven systems development, and innovative research on other aspects of modeling. This also includes well-designed empirical studies and innovative automation solutions and tool architectures.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Model-driven development languages
  2. Model-driven development methodologies, approaches, and techniques
  3. Model transformations
  4. Empirical studies of modeling and model-driven development
  5. Tool support for any aspect of model-driven development or model use
  6. Models in the development and maintenance process
  7. Model evaluation, formal or heuristics
  8. Metamodeling
  9. Semantics of modeling languages
  10. Domain-specific and concern-oriented modeling


Scientific Papers:

Hard Deadline for Abstracts: March 21, 2005
Hard Deadline for Submissions: April 4, 2005
Notification to Authors: June 6, 2005
Final Version of Accepted Papers: July 11, 2005

Workshop Proposals:

Deadline for submission: May 6, 2005
Notification of acceptance: June 24, 2005

Tutorial Proposals

Deadline for submission: June 6, 2005
Notification of acceptance: July 4, 2005
Camera-ready tutorial notes: September 5, 2005

Industry Paper Proposals, Doctoral Symposium, Tools and Exhibits, Posters and Demos:



Submit your manuscript electronically in Postscript or PDF using the Springer LNCS style:

Abstract and paper submittal will be available through the web site by January, 2005.

Full papers should be 5-15 pages in length. Papers will undergo a thorough process of review by a program committee comprising leading experts from academia and industry; however, papers that are too long may be rejected without review. Scientific proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series. All papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.

Proposals for advanced workshops, tutorials and posters are requested. See the conference web site for details.


  • General Chair: Stuart Kent, Microsoft, UK
  • Conference Co-Chairs: Geri Georg, Colorado State University, USA, and Ezra Mugisa, The University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica
  • Treasurer and Registration Chair: Robert France, Colorado State University, USA
  • Programme Chair: Lionel Briand, Carleton University, Canada
  • Experience/Industry Track Chair: Clay Williams, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
  • Workshop Chair: Jean-Michel Bruel, University of Pau, France
  • Tutorials Chair: TBA
  • Panel Chair: Siobhán Clarke, Trinity College, Ireland
  • Doctoral Symposium Chair: Jeff Gray, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
  • Tool Exhibition Chair: Gunjan Mansingh, University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica
  • Poster Chair: Felix Akinladejo, University of Technology, Jamaica

Local Arrangements Chair: Charmaine DeLisser, University of Technology, Jamaica

  • Publicity Chairs: Joao Araujo, University of New Lisbon, Portugal and Emanuel Grant, University of North Dakota, USA
  • Web Chair: Sudipto Ghosh, USA
tools/conferences/models2005.txt · Last modified: 22/11/2005 10:26 by dwagelaa

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