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ICSE 2005

Call for Papers

ICSE is the premier forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent ideas, innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in the field of software engineering.

Software Everywhere is the theme of ICSE 2005. It acknowledges the increasingly important role software plays in the life of our society through the technology that sustains it. The theme also highlights the growing level of responsibility our profession and its members are expected to assume. As such, an important goal of this meeting will be to reach out to other disciplines that have an impact upon or benefit from software engineering know-how.

Lasting Impact on our profession and the society at large is the overarching goal that shaped the programmatic agenda for ICSE 2005. Format changes, novel initiatives, exceedingly high expectations, an exceptionally talented team, and an unprecedented level of support by the local corporate community are some of the ingredients bound to facilitate a fertile exchange of ideas and experiences likely to affect the professional life of each participant. The conference will offer an exciting program of events, including keynote talks by leaders in the field, invited talks along specialized themes, tutorials, workshops, and technical paper presentations on innovative research, the cutting edge of practice, and new developments in software engineering education.

High Quality Submissions are invited for papers describing original unpublished research results, meaningful experiences, and novel educational insights. Proposals for tutorials, workshops, research demonstrations, exhibits, and poster presentations are also welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

  • Software requirements engineering
  • Software architectures and design
  • Software components and reuse
  • Software testing and analysis
  • Theory and formal methods
  • Computer supported cooperative work
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Software processes and workflows
  • Software security
  • Software safety and reliability
  • Reverse engineering and software maintenance
  • Software economics
  • Empirical software engineering and metrics
  • Aspect-orientation and feature interaction
  • Distribution and parallelism
  • Software tools and development environments
  • Software policy and ethics
  • Programming languages
  • Object-oriented techniques
  • AI and Knowledge based software engineering
  • Mobile and ubiquitous computing
  • Embedded and real-time software
  • Internet and information systems development

Opportunities for Professional Engagement are available at all levels. Workshops, tutorials, research demonstrations, exhibits, and paper presentations offer possibilities for training and technological assessment. The new faculty and doctoral symposia are designed to help young researchers gain a head start in their chosen profession. College students can serve as volunteers and enjoy an intellectually enriching experience. For the first time, high school students will be given the chance to exhibit work as part of the conference.

The heartland of America and St. Louis welcome the conference in the elegant setting of the Adams Mark Hotel on the Mississippi riverfront and in the shadow of a monumental feat of engineering, the St. Louis Arch. The starting point for the historical Lewis and Clark expedition and the cradle of jazz, the region offers visitors a wide range of tourist and entertainment opportunities for both individuals and families with children.

Platinum Level Support has been extended to ICSE 2005 by the following members of the St. Louis community: Boeing, Emerson, Edward Jones, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, MasterCard International, Monsanto, SBC, and Washington University. Conference organizers gratefully acknowledge their generosity.

Conference Information will be available on the conference web site, which has been designed to be a living document offering up-to-date news on all conference events, submission instructions and deadlines, hotel information, registration, tourist information, travel, etc. The continuously updated web pages will help you plan your involvement in the conference. We encourage you to leave your own mark on this important event.

Details about the different kinds of submissions and their associated deadlines can be found on the Important Dates page.

tools/conferences/icse2005.txt · Last modified: 22/11/2005 10:16 by dwagelaa

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