SSEL teaching:thesis0809:proposals 2010-01-31T07:50:37+01:00 SSEL text/html 2008-04-09T16:05:18+01:00 Inconsistency Detection and Resolution using Alloy Inconsistency Detection and Resolution using Alloy Research Context Inconsistency management has been defined in Finkelstein et al. [1] as the process by which inconsistencies between software models are handled so as to support the goals of the stakeholders concerned. In our opinion, software models include UML models, models expressed in a domain-specific modelling language (DSML) but also code expressed in a certain programming language. Examples of situations in which inconsistencies can a… text/html 2008-07-07T15:40:00+01:00 Generating Inconsistency Resolutions using Alloy Generating Inconsistency Resolutions using Alloy Context Inconsistency management has been defined in Finkelstein et al. [1] as the process by which inconsistencies between software models are handled so as to support the goals of the stakeholders concerned. In our opinion, software models include UML models, models expressed in a domain-specific modelling language (DSML) but also code expressed in a certain programming language. Examples of situations in which inconsistencies can arise are: i… text/html 2008-04-10T10:29:11+01:00 Help, mijn bits zijn rot! Help, mijn bits zijn rot! Begeleiders: * Stijn Mostinckx (smostinc AT vub DOT ac DOT be) * Elisa Gonzalez Boix (egonzale AT vub DOT ac DOT be) * Tom Van Cutsem (tvcustem AT vub DOT ac DOT be) In de biologie wordt aftakeling erkend als een essentieel element van de natuurlijke cyclus. Zo worden verbindingen tussen hersencellen die niet regelmatig gebruikt worden, langzaamaan zwakker tot ze uiteindelijk helemaal verdwijnen. Op software niveau bestaat een dergelijk concept tot op heden … text/html 2008-04-10T19:58:23+01:00 Bridging the gap between Context-Oriented Domain Analysis and Context-Oriented Programming Research context Contextual information is playing an increasingly important role for applications and services ranging from those that are location-based to those that are situation-dependent or even deeply personalized. The context of an application, defined as any piece of information which is computationally accessible, is clearly becoming a central notion to an emerging class of applications in the fields of internet and mobile computing. Devices of the future will observe user behavior an… text/html 2008-04-10T19:58:46+01:00 ContextHOP: Context-Oriented Programming for the Web 2.0 Research Context Take a look at the following Scheme-based software development kit for web applications, HOP (go to the “Demos” tab to have a quick overview). Array HOP is a new higher-order extension to the Scheme programming language especially designed to build highly interactive web applications such as web agendas, web galleries, music players, games, etc. It provides simple yet expressive means to cope with the distributed nature of such applications - where logic and GUIs normally run… text/html 2008-04-10T10:25:08+01:00 Intensional Views on Model-Driven Engineering Context Intensional Views One of the techniques developers use to deal with the inherent complexity of software systems is to systematically introduce regularities in the source code of a system. These regularities express different conventions, idioms and patterns that are used to communicate the developers’ design intent or to regulate the implementation of a particular concern by relying on a proven solution. However, since these regularities are neither explicitly documented in the source… text/html 2008-07-07T15:27:28+01:00 Thesis and Apprenticeship Proposals 2008-2009 [PROG - SSEL] Feel free to contact us for more information on the topics below. Note that the topics are not 100% fixed. We are always open for suggestions and are willing to tailor a proposal that matches your particular interests/background. If you want to get a feeling of the kind of research we are involved in then take a closer look at the websites of PROG and SSEL. text/html 2008-04-23T10:31:21+01:00 Parallelization of multimedia applications for embedded systems with multi-processor system on chip platforms Parallelization of multimedia applications for embedded systems with multi-processor system on chip platforms Begeleiders: * Roel Wuyts and Maja D'Hondt, IMEC (roel.wuyts and maja.dhondt at * PROG: Tom Van Cutsem, tvcutsem at vub... text/html 2008-04-02T17:14:20+01:00 Parallel Programmeren voor manycore processoren met AmbientTalk Parallel Programmeren voor manycore processoren met AmbientTalk Begeleiders: * Tom Van Cutsem, PROG (tvcutsem at vub ac be) * Roel Wuyts, Maja D'Hondt, IMEC (roel.wuyts en maja.dhondt at Context: opkomst van multi en many-core architectuur. Kenmerkend voor deze architecturen is dat CPU cores verbonden zijn via een veel 'dynamischer' netwerk dan in klassieke architecturen. Hierdoor is de kwaliteit van de verbindingen tussen de CPU cores variabel tijdens uitvoeringstijd (“at runti… text/html 2008-04-10T16:07:55+01:00 Prison, a Simulation Framework for Crime Context In our modern society, people are nowadays surrounded by a cloud of mobile devices [1] such as for instance PDA, GPS, iPhone, and nintendo ds. This wide range of mobile devices enables us to develop a radically different kind of applications, dubbed context-aware applications, which adapt themselves to the environment. The rise of GPS games, like The Target [2] that is depicted in figure 1, is one example of such a context-aware application. text/html 2008-04-15T15:32:48+01:00 Browser, wat is uw reactie daarop? Browser, wat is uw reactie daarop? De tijd dat een browser een simpele applicatie was die een tekstje afhaalde van een server en dit liet zien aan de gebruiker is reeds enkele jaren definitief voorbij. Vandaag bevat elke browser een interpreter voor JavaScript en worden hierin complete web-applicaties geschreven zoals tekstverwerkers en rekenbladen. Vele van deze applicaties maken gebruik van asynchrone communicatie met een of meerdere servers om dynamisch de inhoud van een pagina aan te passen… text/html 2008-05-27T16:38:54+01:00 teaching:thesis0809:proposals:reflective-compile Dynamic compilation for reflective programming languages A reflective programming language allows a program to look at, and modify, the internal details of the interpreter that currently executes that program. This gives a programmer the power to add new language constructs to a programming language that are tailored to a specific problem domain and can then be used to express a solution in a more succinct and direct way. Examples of reflective programming facilities include macros, first-class… text/html 2009-05-07T10:04:31+01:00 Strategies for Incremental Inconsistency Resolution. Strategies for Incremental Inconsistency Resolution. Research Context Inconsistency management has been defined in Finkelstein et al. [1] as the process by which inconsistencies between software models are handled so as to support the goals of the stakeholders concerned. In our opinion, software models include UML models, models expressed in a Domain-specific modelling language (DSML) but also code expressed in a certain programming language. Examples of situations in which inconsistencies ca… text/html 2008-05-27T16:39:59+01:00 teaching:thesis0809:proposals:transaction-updates Safe dynamic software updates through software transactions Dynamic software evolution is important not only for debugging, where a program can be tested and fixed interactively, without restarting it over and over again, but also for live software updates. The latter is especially interesting for web and other server-based applications, where downtimes are expensive and should be avoided as far as possible, but where regular software updates are still necessary to add and change functionality … text/html 2008-05-29T15:29:36+01:00 Virtuele Machines voor Gewone Stervelingen Virtuele Machines voor Gewone Stervelingen Begeleiders: * Stijn Timbermont (stimberm AT vub DOT ac DOT be) * Theo D'Hondt (tjdhondt AT vub DOT ac DOT be) Een virtuele machine of interpreter implementatie bouwen is een complexe taak. Om een goede performantie te halen wordt vaak gekozen voor C als implementatietaal. Vanuit een software engineering standpunt is dat echter niet noodzakelijk de beste keuze. Er zijn dan ook reeds een aantal systemen die voor een alternatieve taal kiezen, al d…