SSEL teaching:thesis0506:proposals
2010-01-27T10:57:40+01:00SSEL Integration Patterns in the Domain of Heath Care
Advisor: Maria Agustina Cibran, Maja D'Hondt)
Promotor: Viviane Jonckers
Behoort tot Thesis and/or Apprenticeship Proposals 2005-2006
This topic falls in the context of rule-based knowledge that is contained in many object-oriented software applications. Typically this knowledge appears implicitly expressed. Although there exist many approaches that advocate the separation of rules, the rules’ connections still crosscut the core application functionality, which impedes reuse, either…text/html2006-03-13T12:35:27+01:00Chameleon: A Multi-Weaver Architecture
Begeleider(s): Wim Vanderperren, Davy Suvée
Promotor: Viviane Jonckers
Behoort tot Thesis and/or Apprenticeship Proposals 2005-2006
Aspect Georienteerd Programmeren (Engels: Aspect Oriented Programming of afgekort:AOP) is een nieuw programmeerparadigma dat rond 1997 ontstaan is [1,2]. AOP heeft als doel om een betere “separation of concerns” te bekomen dan mogelijk in huidige ontwikkelingsparadigmas en introduceert hiervoor een nieuw soort module, genaamd aspect. Aspect “weven” v…text/html2005-06-09T11:49:40+01:00Concern Extraction and Composition in FuseJ and JAsCo
Begeleider(s): Davy Suvée, Wim Vanderperren
Promotor: Viviane Jonckers
Behoort tot Thesis and/or Apprenticeship Proposals 2005-2006
Aspect-Georiënteerde Software Ontwikkeling (Engels: Aspect-Oriented Software Development of afgekort:AOSD) is een nieuw programmeerparadigma dat rond 1997 ontstaan is [1,2]. AOSD argumenteert dat sommige eigenschappen van een applicatie niet kunnen gemodulariseerd worden door gebruik te maken van huidige software ontwikkelingsmethoden. De implementat…text/html2005-07-06T08:17:18+01:00High Level Web Service Composition Language
Begeleider(s): Bart Verheecke
Promotor: Viviane Jonckers
Behoort tot Thesis and/or Apprenticeship Proposals 2005-2006
Inleiding (in English)
Web services are a new technology to enable distributed application development. A web service is a standalone modular application that can be described, published, localised and evoked over a network, typically the internet. Each web service publishes an API on the web so that clients can use its functionality while all implementation details remain h…text/html2005-11-18T17:02:02+01:00Thesis and Apprenticeship Proposals 2005-2006
Feel free to contact one of the responsible assistents for more information on the proposed topics. These topics are not 100% fixed, we can decide on a custom-made proposal depending on your specific interest.
Thesis Information Day 8 July:
Everybody is cordially invited to the SSEL open door day from 10h tot 17h. At 11h and at 14h, the SSEL research and thesis proposals are shortly presented using attractive demonstrations.text/html2005-07-04T15:51:41+01:00Realizing Temporal Business Rules using JAsCo stateful aspects
Advisor: Maria Agustina Cibran
Promotor: Viviane Jonckers
Behoort tot Thesis and/or Apprenticeship Proposals 2005-2006
Many object-oriented software applications contain implicit business rules. Although there exist many approaches that advocate the separation of rules, the rules’ connections still crosscut the core application functionality, which impedes reuse, either anticipated or not [1] [2] [3] [4]. Thus, in that previous work carried out at SSEL, Aspect-Oriented Programming […