SSEL news 2010-01-26T17:55:48+01:00 SSEL text/html 2008-09-15T21:55:42+01:00 AOSD 2008 Array AOSD 2008, the Seventh International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development was organised by SSEL and PROG in Brussels (download flyer). aosd, ssel, prog, research, event, homepage, past text/html 2008-09-15T21:55:59+01:00 Dennis Wagelaar's public PhD defence Array Dennis Wagelaar finished his Ph.D. dissertation 'Platform Ontologies for the Model Driven Architecture'. His public Ph.D. defence is on Friday the 18th of April 2008 at 16:00 in the promotion hall (D2.01) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. ssel, research, event, past text/html 2008-09-15T21:56:33+01:00 Distinguished Paper Award! Array Distinguished Paper Award! We received a distinguished paper award at AOSD 2008 for the article StrongAspectJ: Flexible and Safe Pointcut/Advice Bindings, by Bruno De Fraine, Mario Sudholt, and Viviane Jonckers ssel, research, aosd, event, past text/html 2009-06-05T09:27:32+01:00 ICMT 2009 Array SSEL is publicity chair for ICMT 2009, the International Conference on Model Transformation, which will be held in Zürich, Switzerland ([download flyer]). Our keynote speaker is Benjamin Pierce (creator of Unison and author of Types and Programming Languages) from the University of Pennsylvania. EDIT: The paper submission deadline has been extended to February 8th! EDIT: Early registration deadline is 7 June 2009! mde, ssel, research, event, homepage, icmt text/html 2009-03-05T12:44:39+01:00 International Workshop on Challenges in Model Driven Software Engineering Array Ragnhild Van Der Straeten co-organizes the International Workshop on Challenges in Model Driven Software Engineering (ChaMDE'08) held in conjunction with the MoDELS'08 conference, Toulouse, France. ssel, mde, research, models, event, homepage, past text/html 2009-03-05T12:44:49+01:00 International Workshop on Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management Array Dirk Deridder co-organizes the International Workshop on Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management (MCCM'08) held in conjunction with the MoDELS'08 conference, Toulouse, France. ssel, mde, research, models, event, homepage, past text/html 2008-09-15T22:54:16+01:00 Jar2UML 1.0.12 is out [Array] Jar2UML 1.0.12 is out! It includes a bugfix in the “import dependencies” function and is updated to Java 1.5 / Eclipse 3.4. Read more about it in the release notes ssel, research, artifact, mde, jar2uml text/html 2008-09-15T21:54:31+01:00 MDE case studies on Eclipse 3.3 [Array] The MDE case studies and related tools (PlatformKit, Jar2UML, ATL) have been migrated to Eclipse 3.3. Everything probably still works under Eclipse 3.2, but active support can only be given for Eclipse 3.3. See also: <>. ssel, mde, eclipse, research, artifact text/html 2009-03-06T15:28:16+01:00 New Java AST model tool available [Array] A new tool for creating Java AST models in EMF is available: Java AST. Java AST creates EMF JavaAST models from Eclipse Java projects. These models can be used for analysis and model transformation. This tool was based on the MoDisco Java Abstract Syntax Discovery Tool. Read all about it in the release notes. ssel, mde, eclipse, javaast, research, artifact text/html 2008-09-15T22:01:41+01:00 News system switched to Dokuwiki blog plugin [Array] The SSEL news page and feed have been switched to the Dokuwiki blog plugin. The previous system, based on MySQL, will no longer be used. ssel, website text/html 2008-09-15T21:57:04+01:00 PlatformKit 1.1.8 is out! [Array] PlatformKit 1.1.8 is out! PlatformKit can now use OWLAPI (also used internally by the Pellet reasoner) directly. This results in a significant overall speed-up, as Jena was previously the bottleneck. Read all about it in the release notes. ssel, mde, eclipse, platformkit, research, artifact text/html 2008-10-23T14:05:57+01:00 PlatformKit 1.1.9 is out [Array] PlatformKit 1.1.9 is out! It has been updated to Java 1.5 / Eclipse 3.4 and uses the new ATL 2.1.0 with additional memory leak fixes. Read all about it in the release notes. ssel, mde, eclipse, platformkit, research, artifact text/html 2008-09-15T21:57:26+01:00 PlatformKit Servlet now uses automatic platform discovery [Array] PlatformKit Servlet now uses automatic platform discovery. The PlatformKit Servlet now includes the PlatformKit Discovery Applet, which automatically generates a platform description ontology. This is a step towards real-world application of Platform-Driven Deployment. The instant messenger example can be found at <>. ssel, mde, eclipse, platformkit, research, artifact text/html 2008-09-15T22:00:30+01:00 Sofie Goderis' public PhD defence Array Sofie Goderis, who was a visiting researcher at SSEL in 2007, finished her Ph.D. dissertation 'On the Separation of User Interface Concerns - A Programmer's Perspective on the Modularisation of User Interface Code'. Her public Ph.D. defense is on Thursday the 3rd of July 2008 at 17:00 in aula D.0.03 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. ssel, prog, research, event, past text/html 2009-06-17T10:30:01+01:00 SSEL and PROG merge into SOFT The Programming Technology Lab (PROG) and the System and Software Engineering Lab (SSEL) have united. We shall henceforth be known as the Software Languages Lab (SOFT). Our new website is <> ssel, homepage text/html 2009-06-10T10:26:02+01:00 SSEL moves to 10 F On Monday, 15 June 2009, the SSEL lab will move to building F, 10th floor, in anticipation of the merger with sister lab PROG. Friday the 12th is the final day for packing, and hence will be a hectic day as well. ssel, homepage text/html 2009-09-08T10:25:03+01:00 SSEL server back up The SSEL server has been down since the evening of September 5th, possibly due to a harddisk error or kernel crash. The root filesystem was damaged in the event and has been repaired yesterday. As of today, the server is available again. ssel, website text/html 2008-09-15T22:00:42+01:00 Symposium on Software Variability from a Programmer's Perspective Array Symposium on Software Variability from a Programmer's Perspective (SVPP'08). Invited speakers are: Jim Coplien, Robert Hirschfeld, Karl Lieberherr, and Oscar Nierstrasz ssel, prog, research, event, homepage, past text/html 2009-06-03T14:03:18+01:00 The 2008 edition of the SSEL-PROG Research Descriptions booklet is available Array The 2008 edition of the SSEL-PROG Research Descriptions booklet is available for download. It provides a handy overview of the current research topics at both SSEL and PROG. ssel, prog, research, homepage