Table of Contents


Call for Papers

OOPSLA 2006, the premier forum for practitioners, researchers, educators, and students in diverse disciplines related to object technology, is seeking contributions. This year, it may be your contribution that spawns a whole new technology–the next “big thing!”

OOPSLA offers an extraordinary array of venues and activities to suit the needs of attendees of all backgrounds. You can immerse yourself in the cutting edge and the future of software development, and interact and network with the best minds in the field. Becoming a participant is easier than you think and will enrich your OOPSLA experience. Just submit a proposal to one of the many events that make up OOPSLA. The following OOPSLA venues are seeking submissions:

Co-located events:

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact the event chairs or the general chair. Check out today! We urge you to help shape the present and future of software development by contributing to OOPSLA 2006. We look forward to your submissions and to seeing you in Portland!


Research papers, Onward! papers, Essays, Practitioner Reports, Educators' Symposium, Tutorials, Panels, Workshops March 18, 2006
DesignFest® Posters, Onward! Films, Student Research Competition, Demonstrations, Doctoral Symposium June 30, 2006
Student Volunteers August 1, 2006
Lightning Talks While space available