Table of Contents

MDAFA 2004

Call for Papers

Working Conference on Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications (MDAFA 2004)
June 21-22, 2004, Linköping University, Sweden, organized by: Research Center for Integrational Software Engineering (RISE), Programming Environments Lab (PELAB), Institutionen för datavetenskap (IDA), Linköping University, Sweden, Model-Driven Architecture® is an initiative of the Object Management Group (OMG), Supported by the Object Management Group (OMG).

Model Driven Architecture (MDA, separates the specification of system functionality from the specification of the implementation on a specific platform. It is aimed at making the software assets more resilient to changes caused by the emerging technologies and makes the role of modeling and models in the current software development much more important. The MDA initiative covers a wide spectrum of research areas; some of them are already well established and some are newly emerged. Further efforts are required to bring them into a coherent approach, based on open standards and supported by matured tools and techniques. The goal of this working conference is to understand the foundations, to analyze the state of-the-art, to identify problems and solutions, to outline future research directions and to share experience in applying MDA techniques and tools.

Topics of Interest

Submission Details

Two types of papers are expected: extended abstract papers (no longer than 4 pages) and full papers (no longer than 15 pages). Accepted short and full papers will be included in a technical report available at the workshop.

It is planned to publish the full papers and selected short papers after the workshop in an LNCS volume from Springer. The final approval is pending and depends on the number of submitted high-quality papers. Preferably, papers should respect the LNCS format.

After the workshop, authors will be given the opportunity to submit an improved version of their papers. We expect a final decision on the LNCS volume in May.

Use this form to submit papers.

Important Dates

You can combine the workshop easily with WICSA-4 (June 12-14) and Ecoop 2004 (June 14-18), both located in Oslo. Invited Speakers

Supported By

OMG logo The Object Management Group (OMG) has proposed the MDA initiative. OMG logo REWERSE logo The REWERSE Network of Excellence of the European 6th framework programme (Reasoning on the web), in particular working group I3 “Composition and typing for reasoning languages on the web” HIDOORS logo The HIDOORS EU project (High Integrity Distributed Object-Oriented Real-Time Systems) RISE The RISE project (Research on Integrational Soft. Eng.) financed by SSF SSF SWEBPROD The SWEBPROD project (Semantic Web for Production) financed by Vinnova Vinnova

Model-Driven Architecture, MDA, UML, XMI, and their corresponding logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Object Management Group, Inc. in the United States, in the European Union, and in other countries. Organization Program Chair

Uwe Aßmann, University of Linköping, Sweden Organizing Chair

Henrik Larsson, University of Linköping, Sweden Program Committee

Last Year (MDAFA 2003) University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands