Type: Thesis and Apprenticeship Project
Assistants: María Agustina Cibrán,Maja D'Hondt
Supervisor: Viviane Jonckers
Fabrice Osteaux
Program: 4th year Applied Computer Science
E-mail: faosteau@vub.ac.be
Mobile: +32-(0)486504424
Business Rules ought to be loosely coupled from the core application they relate to, and could be created and managed by non technically-skilled people, to achieve this:
To achieve this, the ideas of 1) (language specification and BR linking wizard) will be used
Having a Capturespecifier is not really adequate: it breaks the high-level abstraction offered by the domain model entities (events, business rules, …) by using a low-level specification of the capture point, which should be avoided. Possible alternatives are:
After a first discussion on the issue, it has been decided to select, and add names to context objects available at events, this being added to the domain model.
The following Business rule:
If a cutomer has bought more than a certain quantity of products or a certain amount of money, then he gets a discount and becomes a frequent customer.
translated in high level language:
BR FrequentCustomer PROPS double AS targetamount, int AS minquantity, double AS discount, String AS newstatus USING Shop AS store, Customer AS targetcustomer, ShoppingBasket AS basket WHERE accounts IS store.getShopAccounts(), shopaccount IS accounts.getShopAccount(accounts.findShopAccount(targetcustomer)), amountspent IS shopaccount.getAmountSpent(), boughtproducts IS shopaccount.getBoughtProducts() IF amountspent >= targetamount OR boughtproducts >= minquantity THEN basket.setDiscountRate(discount) AND shopaccount.becomeFrequent() AND targetcustomer.setCustomerName(newstatus)
Running the translator generates the following java code:
//Automatically Generated Business Rule public class FrequentCustomer { //Properties double targetamount; int minquantity; double discount; java.lang.String newstatus; //Business Objects ecommerce.Shop store; ecommerce.Customer targetcustomer; ecommerce.ShoppingBasket basket; //Business Objects Attributes/Properties ecommerce.ShopAccounts accounts; ecommerce.ShopAccount shopaccount; int amountspent; int boughtproducts; //Constructor public FrequentCustomer(double targetamount, int minquantity, double discount, java.lang.String newstatus) { this.targetamount = targetamount; this.minquantity = minquantity; this.discount = discount; this.newstatus = newstatus; } //Fires the BR public void applyRule(ecommerce.Shop store, ecommerce.Customer targetcustomer, ecommerce.ShoppingBasket basket) { //initialize bo data members this.store = store; this.targetcustomer = targetcustomer; this.basket = basket; //initialize bo attributes aliases this.accounts = store.getShopAccounts() ; this.shopaccount = accounts.getShopAccount(accounts.findShopAccount(targetcustomer)) ; this.amountspent = shopaccount.getAmountSpent() ; this.boughtproducts = shopaccount.getBoughtProducts() ; if (condition()) { action(); } } private boolean condition() { return ( ( amountspent >= targetamount ) || ( boughtproducts >= minquantity ) ); } private void action() { basket.setDiscountRate(discount); shopaccount.becomeFrequent(); targetcustomer.setCustomerName(newstatus); } }