
Events (co-)organized by SSEL members are displayed on this page.

Upcoming Events

ICMT 2009

ICMT 2009 SSEL is publicity chair for ICMT 2009, the International Conference on Model Transformation, which will be held in Zürich, Switzerland (download flyer). Our keynote speaker is Benjamin Pierce (creator of Unison and author of Types and Programming Languages) from the University of Pennsylvania.
EDIT: The paper submission deadline has been extended to February 8th!
EDIT: Early registration deadline is 7 June 2009!

Past Events

International Workshop on Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management

Dirk Deridder co-organizes the International Workshop on
Model Co-Evolution and Consistency Management (MCCM'08) held in conjunction with the MoDELS'08 conference, Toulouse, France.

International Workshop on Challenges in Model Driven Software Engineering

Ragnhild Van Der Straeten co-organizes the International Workshop on
Challenges in Model Driven Software Engineering (ChaMDE'08) held in conjunction with the MoDELS'08 conference, Toulouse, France.

Symposium on Software Variability from a Programmer's Perspective

ssel_banner.jpg Symposium on Software Variability from a Programmer's Perspective (SVPP'08). Invited speakers are:
Jim Coplien, Robert Hirschfeld, Karl Lieberherr, and Oscar Nierstrasz

Sofie Goderis' public PhD defence

ssel_banner.jpg Sofie Goderis, who was a visiting researcher at SSEL in 2007, finished her Ph.D. dissertation 'On the Separation of User Interface Concerns - A Programmer's Perspective on the Modularisation of User Interface Code'. Her public Ph.D. defense is on Thursday the 3rd of July 2008 at 17:00 in aula D.0.03 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

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