====== Design Pattern Implementations in JAsCo ====== **Type:** Thesis **Assistant(s):** [[SSELMember>BrunoDeFraine|Bruno De Fraine]]\\ **Supervisor:** [[SSELMember>VivianeJonckers|Viviane Jonckers]] Part of [[thesis0405:overview|Thesis and/or Apprenticeship Projects 2004-2005]] ===== Student(s) ===== {{thesis0405:no_photo.gif}}\\ Alexon Cevallos Padilla\\ **Program:** Master after Master of Computer Science\\ **E-mail:** ===== Description ===== In the structure of the Design Patterns, some parts are common to all potential instantiations of the pattern, and other parts are specific to each instantiation. The objective is to develop JAsCo code that reflects this separation of //reusable// and //instance-specific// parts. The experiment consists of developing JAsCo implementations of the 23 GoF patterns, and comparing them with their Java and AspectJ implementations proposed by Hannemann and Kiczales [1], keeping purpose and applicability, and changing solution structure and implementation. Criterions for comparison will be //Locality//, //Reusability//, //Composition Transparency// and //(Un)pluggability//. [1] Design Pattern Implementation in Java and AspectJ. Jan Hannemann and Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~jan/papers/oopsla/oopsla2002.html ===== Current Status ===== Finished. ===== Presentations or other documents ===== * //(No items yet)// ===== Links ===== * [[SSELSec>jasco|JAsCo: An Aspect-Oriented approach tailored for Component Based Software Development]]