====== People who finished their PhD at SSEL ====== * **Bruno De Fraine (2009)**\\ Language Facilities for the Deployment of Reusable Aspects.\\ Promoters: Prof. Dr. [[about:members:vivianejonckers]] and Dr. [[about:members:wimvanderperren]].\\ [[http://soft.vub.ac.be/soft/_media/members/brunodefraine/phd.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Dennis Wagelaar (2008)**\\ Platform Ontologies for the Model Driven Architecture.\\ Promoters: Prof. Dr. [[about:members:vivianejonckers]] and Dr. [[about:members:ragnhildvanderstraeten]].\\ {{about:members:denniswagelaar:wagelaarphdthesis.pdf|Download text in pdf}} * **María Agustina Cibrán (2007)**\\ Connecting High-Level Business Rules with Object-Oriented Applications: An approach using Aspect-Oriented Programming and Model-Drive Engineering.\\ Promotors: V. Jonckers and Maja D'Hondt\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/Members/MariaAgustinaCibran/PhDThesis/Cibran_PhDThesis.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Bart Verheecke (2006)**\\ Dynamic Integration, Composition, Selection and Management of Web Services in Service-Oriented Applications : An approach using Aspect-Oriented Programming.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/Members/BartVerheecke/PhDThesis/PhDVerheeckeBart.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Ragnhild Van Der Straeten (2005)**\\ Inconsistency Management in Model-Driven Engineering: An Approach using Description Logics.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/Members/RagnhildVDS/PhDThesis/thesis.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Wim Vanderperren (2004)**\\ Combining Aspect-Oriented and Component-Based Software Engineering.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers.\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/Members/wvdperre/thesiswim.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Maja D'Hondt (2004)**\\ Hybrid Aspects for Integrating Rule-Based Knowledge and Object-Oriented Functionality.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers.\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/research/PhD/thesisMaja.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Bart Wydaeghe (2001)**\\ Component Composition using Composition Patterns and Scenarios.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers.\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/research/PhD/PhdAcrobat.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Kurt Verschaeve (2001)**\\ UML – SDL Round-trip Engineering through Incremental Translation of Changes.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers.\\ [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/research/PhD/uml_sdl_roundtrip.pdf|Download text in pdf]] * **Kamreddine Ouliddren (1998)**\\ An Approach to Incermental Fuzzy Modelling of Dependencies in Complex Physical Systems.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers, Co-Promotor: A. Nowé. * **Ann Nowé (1994)**\\ The synthesis of "safe" fuzzy controllers based on reinforcement learning.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers. * **Ludo Cuypers (1993)**\\ From Specification to Implementation.\\ Promotor: V. Jonckers.