~~NOTOC~~ ====== Research artifacts ====== * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/wsml/|WSML]]**\\ Enabling client-side management of Web Services using Dynamic AOSD. * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/pacosuite/|PacoSuite]]**\\ Enhancing viusal component based software development. Integrates AOSD into CBSD design level. * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/jasco/|JAsCo]]**\\ A new AOP language that is tailored for CBSD. * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/fusej/|FuseJ]]**\\ A new AOP approach aiming at integrating aspect and components. * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/cocompose/|CoCompose]]**\\ A concept-based approach to software design, supporting AOSD and CBSD automatic code generation. * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/about:members:mariacibran:phd|AOP for Business Rules]]**\\ Employing AOP for modularizing the link between business rules and the core application. * **[[research:mdd:platformkit]]**\\ A platform modelling and platform dependency management toolkit for MDA. * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/c3|CoBro]]**\\ A Smalltalk environment empowering developers to build extensible and documented software (based on the Concept-Centric Coding approach). * **[[research:aosd:strongaspectj|StrongAspectJ]]**\\ An AspectJ language extension to support flexible and safe pointcut/advice bindings. ===== Small tools ===== * **[[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/viewvc/moftoowl/?root=cvs|MOF to OWL conversion]]**\\ XSLT-based conversion of MOF 1.3 models to OWL models, including some sample models. * **[[research:mdd:jar2uml]]**\\ Reverse engineering of jar files to UML models. * **[[research:mdd:javaast]]**\\ Creating Java AST EMF models of Java source code for analysis and model transformation. * **[[research:mdd:spoonemf2]]**\\ Creating, transforming and analyzing Java source code models from the Eclipse IDE ===== Utilities ===== * [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/viewvc/|Subversion/CVS]] * [[https://ssel.vub.ac.be/bugzilla/|Bugzilla]]