**[[about:members:wimvanderperren|Home]] | [[about:members:wimvanderperren:research|Research]] | [[about:members:wimvanderperren:phd|PhD]] |[[about:members:wimvanderperren:publications|Publications]] | [[about:members:wimvanderperren:teaching|Teaching]] | [[about:members:wimvanderperren:personal|Personal]]** ====== Wim Vanderperren ====== | {{about:members:wim2.jpg?150x150}} | ===== Job description ===== I am a post-doc at the System and Software Engineering Lab, which is part of the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences and of the Informatics Department of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. From October 2005 until September 2008, I am paid by a post-doc grant of the Flemish Funds for Scientific Research. My research interests are aspect-oriented software development, component based software development and more specifically combining both paradigms. My Ph.D. dissertation presents an original approach that aims at combining both component-based and aspect-oriented ideas. More information can be found on my research page. ===== Coordinates ===== Wim Vanderperren\\ Vrije Universiteit Brussel\\ Faculty of Applied Sciences, INFO - SSEL\\ Pleinlaan 2\\ B-1050 Brussels\\ Belgium * Room: 4 K 208 * Tel +32 2 629.29.62 * Fax +32 2 629.28.70 * E-mail: [[mailto:wvdperre@vub.ac.be|wvdperre@vub.ac.be]] Usually, I'm in my office from 9:00 until 17:00. To avoid any misunderstanding I prefer that you make an appointment if you want to contact me.