Software Composition 2007 2010-02-17T14:15:14+01:00 Software Composition 2007 text/html 2007-07-16T20:11:01+01:00 wvdperre@ schedule Program Saterday 24 March Invited Talk: Chair: Markus Lumpe 9h-9h15 Welcome 9h15-10h30 Invited Talk: Farhad Arbab, CWI, The Netherlands: Composition by Anonymous Third Parties 10h30-11h Coffee Break Composition Contracts: ... text/html 2007-07-16T20:10:43+01:00 wvdperre@ acceptedpapers Accepted Papers The pre-proceedings can be downloaded here: SC 2007 PreProceedings [11MB pdf] Long Papers 5: A Process Algebraic Approach to Workflow Specification and Refinement. Peter Wong, Jeremy Gibbons. University of Oxford, UK. 7: Compos... text/html 2007-03-29T10:06:38+01:00 wvdperre@ importantdates Important Dates Submission of full papers: Thursday, Dec 14, 2006 (Extended) Notification of authors: Monday, Feb 05, 2007 Final copy of paper: Friday, Feb 16, 2007 Event Dates: 23-25 March, 2007 ... text/html 2007-03-16T20:02:07+01:00 wvdperre@ chairs Vittorio: Structural Composition Uwe: Saturday Composition Design & Analysis King-Kui: Saturday Composition Design & Analysis ... text/html 2007-03-08T19:54:42+01:00 wvdperre@ start Software Composition 2007 Satellite event of ETAPS 2007. NEWS 08 March 2007: Pre-Proceedings available for download! Go Here 16 Feb 2007: Preliminary program online: Program 05 Feb 2007: List of accepted papers is online 05 Feb 2007: Don&r... text/html 2007-02-18T14:00:16+01:00 wvdperre@ tentativeprogram Tentative Program Saterday 24 March Invited Talk: 9h-9h15 Welcome 9h15-10h15 Invited Talk: 10h15-10h30 Coffee Break Composition Contracts: 10h30-11h 12. Defining Component Protocols with Service Composition: Illustratio... text/html 2007-02-12T14:32:39+01:00 wvdperre@ venue Venue SC is co-located with ETAPS. You can check the ETAPS pages for general venue and registration info. NOTE: In case you do not wish to attend the main ETAPS conferences, you can register for satelite events only, which is considerably cheaper.... text/html 2007-02-08T09:21:49+01:00 wvdperre@ registration - created Registration You can register online using the main ETAPS registration website. ... text/html 2006-12-21T14:08:48+01:00 wvdperre@ organization Organization In case of problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact us at SC 2007 General Chair Judith Bishop... text/html 2006-12-12T11:50:42+01:00 wvdperre@ callforpapers Call for Papers Topics The goal of SC 2007 is to bring together the research and industrial communities in order to address the challenges of the component-based software development approach. SC 2007 will be the sixth symposium on software comp... text/html 2006-11-18T15:10:52+01:00 wvdperre@ articlesubmission Article Submission Make sure to adhere to the style, content and formatting requirements defined in the call for papers. Please follow the submission instructions outlined in the submission wizard: Article Submission System Site ... text/html 2006-02-09T16:24:33+01:00 wvdperre@ wiki:playground PlayGround You can safely edit and test the wiki here. ...