More then one composition adapter can be applied to a composition pattern.
You can stack them onto each other. The composition adapters are inserted in the
order you applied them to the composition pattern. For technical reasons, no
composition adapter can be applied to a composition pattern when there are
allready some components filled in. We hope to change this in one of the next
releases. So, first clear the canvas again. Then, again map the start filter
composition adapter onto the ToggleControl composition pattern. We also have an
algorithm that is able to find out the role mappings automatically. You can test
this when you apply the start filter onto the ToggleControl composition pattern,
but did not yet map the roles. Press the right mouse button and select
automatically map adapter roles. The
Dst and
Src should now be
automatically mapped on their corresponding roles. Then, place the
stop_filter composition adapter on the canvas and map it also on the
ToggleControl composition pattern. You'll notice that it has been stacked
upon the start_filter composition adapter. You can then also automatically map
the adapter roles for the stop_filer composition adapter. Then again, map the
JButton component onto the Control role and place the
Juggler component
onto Subject role. Place two
ViewFilter components on the canvas and
map these components on the remaining roles. Code-generation can now start.
Notice that now both the start and stop events are re-routed through a
ViewFilter component, but each event is of course always send to the same
ViewFilter. It is also possible to only use one ViewFilter component and let
this component filter both events.
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2003-02-19 15:01:44 - Wim Vanderperren Latest build of the PacoSuite tool-suite can be found in the download section.
2003-02-19 15:01:19 - Wim Vanderperren PacoSuite Website online.