Table of Contents

Latest Development Build Download

The latest source code can be downloaded from the subversion repository. Build the sources using ant. Pre-built sources from overnight can be downloaded here. Warning: might be unstable! Check the nightly build test report to assess stability of current development branch.

svn checkout
svn update (To keep the implementation up to date later on)

subversion help

Building prerequisites

The JAsCo source refers to the API of some libraries that aren’t distributed with the source. Therefore the following files have to be available on your system to compile JAsCo:

These libraries are however very common in a Java development environment. They are automatically available when setting up a build environment for JAsCo using the following recommended procedure:

  1. Install a recent JDK and make sure that the java and javac commands are available on the path
  2. Install Apache Ant and make sure the ant command is available on the path
  3. Download JUnit and unpack it. Either add junit.jar to the CLASSPATH before running Ant OR copy the junit.jar file to the lib subdirectory of Ant (so Ant adds it automatically on every run).

The last step is critical. It ensures that Ant’s junit task will work, as well as that the JUnit library will be available on the classpath of the compiler when compiling with Ant.

Building using Ant

The build command to produce a working JAsCo environment is:

ant jasco_init

This compiles the sources files and bundles the result in the main JAsCo JAR file. It also generates a bin subdirectory with commands (CompileAspect, TransformBean, etc.) for compiling JAsCo entities and running JAsCo applications.

Other Ant commands:

Generate the javadoc:

ant javadoc

Execute the test suite (takes a while):

ant jasco_test //html output
ant jasco_test_gui //GUI interface

Build the Ant targets for JAsCo aspect compilation and connector compilation through Ant:

ant jascoant_jar

Build all jar files:

ant dist

Run all available targets:

ant all