====== Using the update manager in Eclpse 3.0 ====== This page is intented to guide you through the Eclipse update manager to install or update JAsCo features. Here are all the steps you will have to follow to install the JAsCo Eclipse Plugin. - Open Eclipse. - Open the Update Manager perspective (Help --> Software Updates --> Find and Install). - Then select "search for new features to install" - Add a remote site - Fill the field "Name" with "JAsCo", and "URL" with "http://ssel.vub.ac.be/jasco/update/". - A new bookmark "JAsCo" has been added. Expand it till you find the JAsCo Eclipse plugin for 3.0. Select it and press Next. - Review that the JAsCo Eclipse plugin for 3.0 has been selected and press Finish and/or Next. - Once Eclipse has rebooted, you can check that the feature has been installed: expand the item "Current Configuration" (in the "Install Configuration" view), and you will find the feature in the list of the installed features. If you expand "Configuration History", you will see all the previous configurations. You can save a specific configuration so that you can restore it later: right-click on a configuration and click "save". Important remark: the update manager does not work with proxys! ====== Using the update manager in Eclpse 2.1 ====== This page is intented to guide you through the Eclipse update manager to install or update JAsCo features. Here are all the steps you will have to follow to install the JAsCo Eclipse Plugin. - Open Eclipse. - Open the Update Manager perspective (Help --> Software Updates --> Update Manager). - In the "Feature Updates" view, right-click and do : New --> Site Bookmark... - Fill the field "Name" with "JAsCo", and "URL" with "http://ssel.vub.ac.be/jasco/update/". - A new bookmark "JAsCo" has been added. Expand it till you find the JAsCo Eclipse plugin. If you select the feature, its description will be displayed in the "Preview" view. You can read the licence agreement by clicking on the link. - In order to install the feature, click on the "Install" button in the "Preview" view: Click "Next" for each page, and then "Finish". For the last page ("Feature Verification"), click on the "Install" button. Eclipse will install automatically the feature, and you will be asked whether you want Eclipse to reboot or not. Say yes. NOTE: features may be unsigned, which will cause Eclipse to ask you whether you want to install the feature or not. Say yes. - Once Eclipse has rebooted, you can check that the feature has been installed: expand the item "Current Configuration" (in the "Install Configuration" view), and you will find the feature in the list of the installed features. If you expand "Configuration History", you will see all the previous configurations. You can save a specific configuration so that you can restore it later: right-click on a configuration and click "save". Important remark: the update manager does not work with proxys!