====== Research Seminar - Caramelos@Lille====== Caramelos@Lille is the first international research seminar on software engineering. This event is a one-day seminar in which multiple researchers present their latest scientific results. This seminar intends to establish strong research cooperation links with the international community. This seminar is organized by the [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/caramelos/|Caramelos project]] and the [[http://adam.lifl.fr/|ADAM INRIA Team]]. ===== Agenda ===== For this first seminar, the following researchers have decided to present their latest and ongoing research. The program for the seminar follows: ---- (09:00-09:30) - [[http://www2.lifl.fr/~waignier/|Guillaume Waignier]] \\ Model-Based Framework for Statically and Dynamically Checking Component Interactions. ---- (09:30-10:00) - [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/about:members:oscargonzalez|Oscar Gonzalez]] \\ A High-Level Domain-Specific Language for Monitoring,Measurement and Control Business Processes. ---- (10:00-10:30) - [[http://www2.lifl.fr/~noguera/|Carlos Noguera]] \\ Annotation Framework Validation using Domain Models. ---- (Coffee Break) ---- (11:00-11:30) - [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/about:members:andresyie|Andres Yie]] \\ Multi-Level Concern Weaving. ---- (Lunch Time) ---- (13:30-14:00) - Daniel Romero \\ Building Context-Aware Applications. ---- (14:00-14:30) - [[http://mcs.open.ac.uk/alr242/|Angela Lozano]] \\ Assessing the effect of clones on changeability. ---- (14:30-15:00) - [[http://ssel.vub.ac.be/ssel/about:members:mariosanchez|Mario Sánchez]] \\ Cumbia: Executable models for building Extensible workflow applications. {{seminarlille_ms.pdf|Download}} ---- | {{caramelosatlille2008.jpg?450|Caramelos at Lille 2008}} \\ From left to right: Dirk Deridder, Rubby Casallas, Angela Lozano, Mario Sanchez, Carlos Noguera, Oscar Gonzalez, Daniel Romero, Andres Yie |